Cloud computing
European Virtual Learning Platform for Electrical and Information Engineering
Logo EU Programme Erasmus+
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Miguel Soriano


This module contains some necessary information for the basic orientation of students in the field of cloud computing. It includes an overview of the history of this technology, the architecture, services and deployment models. Moreover, the pros and cons of cloud computing versus previous schemes or computing architectures are also presented.


This module provides some basic information about cloud computing. Cloud computing is one of the hottest buzzwords in technology; this module aims to clarify the meaning and the different models and possibilities offered by this technology. This document tries to clarify the possible range of offerings and the terminology used to describe them in cloud computing

The main objective of this module is that readers can identify whether this type of solution can be useful for an organization, and if that is the case, which are the most suitable service and deployment model taking into account the company requirements. Finally, the reader will identify the general benefits and the major concerns about using cloud computing


Cloud computing, SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, public cloud, private cloud, community cloud, hybrid cloud, elasticity, scalability, privacy, middleware
