MMI (multimodal interfaces) for interactive communication and navigation
European Virtual Learning Platform for Electrical and Information Engineering
Logo EU Programme Erasmus+
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Juraj Kačur, Gregor Rozinaj, Renata Rybárová


Multimodal interface (MMI) consists of several topics and modules which serve for natural and user-friendly communication with the system. Altogether, these modules represent the functionality of MMI. The list of modules which can be part of the multi-modal interface is following: speaker recognition, speech and command recognition, multi face recognition, gesture navigation, eye navigation and speech synthesis. This module will introduce some of them, to help understand basic principles and algorithm which meet us in our daily lives.


The main goal of the module is to introduce a student to the fundamental of multimodal interface and application. The student is clearly acquainted with the base principles of face recognition, speaker identification, voice commands navigation and gesture navigation. In the end all of mentioned modalities are described in possible multimodal applications.


Multimodal interface, multimodal application, user identification, 2D/3D face recognition, gesture navigation, speech recognition, speaker identification.
