Internet of things
European Virtual Learning Platform for Electrical and Information Engineering
Logo EU Programme Erasmus+
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Jordi Salazar, Santiago Silvestre


This is an introductory course to the IoT (Internet of things). In the early chapters the basics about the IoT are introduced. Then basics of IPv6 internet protocol that is the most used in IoT environment as well as main applications, the current state of the market and the technologies that enable the existence of the IoT are described. Finally the future challenges that are considered most important are discussed.


At study of this course, students will be able to understand the basics about IT and get a good idea about the possibilities and applications based in this environment.


IoT (Internet of things), IP (Internet protocol), IPv6 (Internet protocol version 6), M2M (Machine-to-Machine communications), IPsec (IP security), Cloud computing, RFID (radio frequency identification), Smart sensors, Tags.
