Use of power lines for transmission of messages (PLC, BPL)
European Virtual Learning Platform for Electrical and Information Engineering
Logo EU Programme Erasmus+
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Jaroslav Svoboda


This module describes the methods and approaches for the use of power lines and networks (grids) for transmission of messages. It includes description of the telecommunications technologies that implement transmission through power lines and grids. It also describes the possible applications of these systems within the smart energy networks, known as Smart Grid.


Students will acquire basic view on the differences between transmission properties of telecommunication lines and power lines. They will learn the principles of narrowband and broadband telecommunication technologies that operate on electric power lines and networks (mass remote control, high-frequency transmission systems, power plants telephony, local systems for transmission of remote metering, remote signalling, broadband systems for data transmission). This knowledge can help students to deal with data and access networks. Students will acquire basic knowledge about the development of electric power networks and deployment of “smart” power lines also known as Smart Grid. On this basis, a student should be able to evaluate goals and benefits of PLC and BPL systems, while implementing particular telecommunication networks.


PLC – Power Line Communication, BPL – Broadband Power Line, Smart Grid, Mass Remote Control, Power Plant Telephony, protective earth cable with integrated optical cable, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
